Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nothing New

Haven't posted anything in a while. I don't know what it is about being in front of my crappy laptop in my dirty apartment that just makes me want to stop thinking. I should be looking for a job. I should be finding a job. Shouldn't I have had at least ONE job interview since that last one?

I was also just about to buy a netbook, just so I could work outside of the home. It's nice to get out once in a while. Then I was going to buy a new laptop to replace this 5 year old piece of crap. In the end, I got cold feet, and I didn't buy anything. It's just as well, I guess, since I have no job.

I have been trying to find work in the video game industry. I am not a computer engineer or programmer or an artist. I have never worked in the industry before. I know it's the hottest industry or whatever, but still, come on. One company can't call me? I'm that unemployable? I resent being told that I suck by an entire industry.

In any case, it looks like I may not be able to go home this Christmas.

1 comment:

danielle said...

Mawmy, why is the funny man just sitting there silently?