Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I am sitting in a coffee shop and typing comfortably on my new computer (Petula? orrrrrrruhhhh...let's sayyyyyyy...the Cerulean Cexputer? Still working on the name). I'm having a great time, but I have no idea how I'm going to go to the bathroom because I don't want to have to pack everything up and take it with me.

In other news, I was just listening to the best song in the world, and now my heart is pounding like I just drank 2 cups of coffee. Who cares where it came from? I LOVE IT! Everyone has a song like that, that just energizes them. MAN, I need to pee though.

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Technology 2000

I am sitting in my living room...with a LAPTOP...on TOP...of my LAP. Now I see what all the fuss is about. I have never been so comfortable whilst typing. I have yet to take it outside. Not because I'm afraid of damage (though I am) but because I just haven't bothered to go outside recently.

Everything flies on this thing. I can have numerous apps running, a video in the background, and still be able to Skype my parents. This is what computing should be! Hooray. Okay, enough.

In other news, have you ever been in a situation where you wish the earth would swallow you whole so that you could escape your feelings of shame and embarrassment, while your "friends" look on with indifference? I mean, since your junior prom? Ridiculous. I don't think I can post this whole story (even I think I'm blowing it out of proportion, in retrospect), but this would have been a lot more traumatic if it weren't for the fact that this happens regularly. Like, about once a year. With a different set of friends each time, of course.

No, it's no longer a huge disappointment or shock when people I know let me down. You know, I just read what I wrote, and BOY do I sound like a nut. Oh well, who cares. Viva la internet anonymous.

In other news, I need a name for my computer. I like to name my technology. I welcome all my fan to offer suggestions. No, that wasn't a typo, there is only one person who reads this blog. Grumpus, feel free to offer suggestions.

I know all my fan by name! I haven't lost the common touch.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


My new computer has arrived! I now look forward to blog entries. Forward I say! Now I can actually leave the house with a laptop computer that's PORTABLE! So, if you are in a coffee shop, or "cafe", as the French say, and you see someone with a laptop computer, it's probably me!

That's all for now, though, as I was just betrayed by most of my friends and I need to go lie on my bed and stare at the wall for a while. DAMN, I'm busy! When do I get my "me" time!?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thursday, December 25, 2008

As Far As Christmases Go, This One Has Not Been Spectacular

Today I got home at about 10 AM. A friend of mine had me over last night for Christmas Eve dinner, seeing as how he is also alone in the city for the holiday.

His original plan was that we would eat Hungry Man dinners, and then shoot ourselves in the head, but in the end, we settled for the traditional Christmas lasagna, far to much booze, and the newest Tracey Ullman DVD (State of the Union), which was, by the way, fricken hilarious (my favourite character was Padma the pharmacist).

I had a great time, and can I just say let's hear it for alcohol? I mean, it's like this magical feel-good potion that had me laughing and singing and feeling good. Man, I wish I could drink all the time.

Anyways, I bused (bussed?) home this morning, fed the cats, and lied in bed all day. Can't look for work, can't go out, should do laundry but don't feel like it. I've been having a lot of bad dreams about my former workplace lately. Even now I am still slightly hung over and my neck still hurts.

I am usually filled with optimism at the end of the year, as uncharacteristic as that may be. This time, though, just trepidation. I just want to get back to the road.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

This is why I can't have nice things...

Because I'm unemployed, that is.

There's nothing like being jobless to make everyone you know suddenly know much better than you.

I'm so far behind in everything I'm doing...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Oh, and one more thing...

The cats are craaaazy about the lazer.