Sunday, October 26, 2008

I had a second date...

It was sorta fun, but I came to the realization that he's not for me. I know, I know, beggars can't be choosers, but it's all too clear he's not the guy.

For the record, he is a number of very good things: he's tall, thin, likes video games and British comedy and all that good stuff, PLUS he's into the fatticakes (although he says he isn't, which I think is very sweet).

He's clearly in it for the sex, though. Plus he doesn't like to bathe. His words, not mine.


Anonymous said...

Aw geez...when will people learn that certain predilections (eg not bathing) are well and dandy only while single? These are not true ways of living, they are little indulgences we enjoy in the off-seasons when nobody loves us. Only then!

Gordon Houghstaedtlermeyer said...

It's no big deal. I'm just a little disappointed. Personally, I ENJOY bathing.

The question is, how to let him down? I'm not used to this role.