Sunday, September 14, 2008

I want to make a comic

I was supposed to make a comic strip with a friend of mine, who insisted that they wanted to make a funny product and be successful and bla bla bla but when it came to actually putting in the work, they vanished. This happened twice.

So, screw them, I'm going to make my own comic. Unfortunately, this means I will need to develop some sort of artistic ability, which won't happen short of a miracle or genie wish. Welllllllll...I'll think of something...


danielle said...

"artistic ability"? Piffle. You just need a can of beans and a pocketful of dreams!

One thing you don't need though, is friends. They can't be relied on for anything and plus then they want a share in the glory and profits.

Gordon Houghstaedtlermeyer said...

Ooh! You're DARK! I love that.

Honestly, though, I never cared about profits or glory! I just wanted to collaborate with creative people! I work best with at least one other person off of whom I can bounce ideas.

Just out of curiosity, though, am I correct in guessing that you have had a bad experience involving friends? And creative projects? And possibly a can of beans?

danielle said...

You must have friends in order to have a bad experience with them *bites knuckle and looks away* Seriously though I have never collaborated with a friend on anything, mainly because my friends don't share my particular creative interests, or they are undertaking their own projects.

I'm working away at comic, on my fancy-dancy drawing tablet. I was hoping an investment in Technology would help flush motivation out of the bushes like a big fat partridge.

Despite the change of venue from notebooks and napkins to smooth Wacom deliciousness, and being several hundred $$ lighter, i find I still have to work hard to turn mere crazy dreams into reality. Technology is not as marvelous as the kids say.

Gordon Houghstaedtlermeyer said...

Oh, it's like looking into a bloggy mirror. Into the future! Because I am planning on buying one of those sexy little sub-notebook jobbies that allow you to sit in coffee shops and work on stuff so everyone can see you're working on stuff. I am CERTAIN it will triple, nay sextuple my output. Fivetuple. Anyways, we'll see how that goes (hint: it won't change anything).