Friday, September 19, 2008

Parental Visit 2000

My parents are visiting from Edmonton. We're having a pretty good time, seeing the city, goin' to Costco (it's like Disneyland). They are enjoying my cats.

On the job front: no, not yet.

My parents LENT me a hefty sum to pay for October's rent and bills, which sucks, of course. To think I would still need my parents' help at my age. Fuck, who would have thought my SISTER would end up as the successful one?

I find I often think of things to blogabout (not a typo; "blogabout" is a new word which I invented just now when I typed it on purposes)...sorry, that should be "about which to blog" (whoops, there goes my new word) but when I finally get to my computer I have lost the inclination. Blogclination? Anyways, that will TOTALLY change once I get my Asus EEE...

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